Not only do the 5 options drive me batty, the incredibly short text limit on the options does, too. Why the fuck couldn't there be a line feed?

My grandpa drove that tank.

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Have two or 3 quizzes and just break it up (if under 40) ( if over 40...)

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Speaking as someone whose audience seems to have defined itself more or less organically but since became pretty cohesive, if you're trying to identify a "target" audience, maybe look at what you've already written that got you the most engagement.

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My dad drove that tank. I'm going on 66 so don't you lecture me, young whippersnapper!

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Now there's a normal distribution if I've ever seen one.

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Looks like you need to incorporate more Justin Bieber photos to attract the under 20 crowd. Justin Bieber is still way cool, right?

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The bin be are also unhelpful. 20-35 is such a huge range for life stages and personal life outlook

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I asked men with beards how long has it been since they've shaved. Most interesting varying responses, some with long explanations.

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I've been thinking the same thing - how old are these people? Maybe next time put up a couple of polls to give you a spread of 10 options (if Substack will let you do that).

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