I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on the fine points of congressional law, but in the current climate a platform of Impeach Fucking Everybody sounds like it would be a winner with the base.

"Elect me, and I promise to raise one head on a pike every week for the duration of my term."

Hope you're feeling better soon!

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I think it would be great; ultimately you bump into the issue that, at some point, people need to stop playing politics and "defecting" (a la prisoner's dilemma) and actually "cooperate", for the good of the country and for the sake of the big picture, and not their own niche concerns or interests. Easier said than done! No getting around the lack of virtue in those offices....

With the impeachments, I fear that Congress would go after someone who actually does good and important work and not after the most egregious - just like it's somehow the most useful and valuable, cost-effective programs that seem to lose budgets, and not the money-suckers.

This is actually why regulatory solutions to problems with companies don't work quite how we'd like them.The hammer of anti-trust, for example, is just as - and even more so - likely to come down on a more virtuous and honest business than the biggest and best-connected (and evil) corporations.

On the other hand, perhaps we're at the point where heads need to sort of roll indiscriminately (metaphorically)?

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