I got a mail notice at 14:53 Central European Standard Time. A web version of this said it was from 'Doctor Hammer 36 min ago', but I was logged in the whole time, and this is when messages showed up in my mailbox. So I posted this immediately. See how long it takes you to get it.

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Good, not just me then, even if the lag was lesser.

My Substack sends messages to my gmail account. Do you use that, or a proton mail? Is gmail grinding longer deciding if it wants to let Substack emails through, I wonder? (I notice my posts seem to hit my email box immediately, so I am doubtful.)

Has Substack noticed that Rollins takes 20 minutes to finish re-re-re-editing his comments, and extrapolated that to everyone and instituted a time delay?

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Neither. I run my own mail server. I am in Sweden but the server is in Germany, hosted by Hetzner. https://www.hetzner.com/

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More data. I just subscribed to a new substack, and as usual got the chance to subscribe for free to 4 substacks that the first person is reading. I always do this, and then periodically go back and unsubscribe from the ones that aren't producing any content. I also cull the ones that are very nicely producing output, but about something I am not interested in, and the odd one that is produced by somebody I think is a complete waste of time. If the content gets to be enough, I consider moving to paid. This is how I ended up here, by the way. (And still a freeloader, but trending in the 'you should pay for this' direction). :)

At any rate, all those 'welcome to the X substack' posts showed up, immediately, no time delay in my mailbox. Your theory that it is things that might be edited that are delayed is growing legs. :)

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Glad you are enjoying your time here!

Checking the time stamps, these two comments hit my mail at about the same time, and one from Rollins a little bit ago in a different thread hit immediately (I happened to look at the email right as it came in). That's making me think Substack was just super laggy a day or so ago. Maybe they were doing a system update or something. I have been too busy to check carefully this morning, but so far it seems that things are coming in rapidly.

Interesting on the subscription thing, by the way. I am curious as to most people's preferences for finding new things to read, partially because I don't want to use Twitter to advertise, but that seems how people mostly get word out. I don't want to miss stuff, and I like having a chatty audience :)

Also, yay Sweden! My advisor's family is there (he splits time between the US and Sweden) and I hope to visit within a few years when the littlest sprog is old enough to deal with a long flight.

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If the West Coast of Sweden is on the agenda, come visit!

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I will keep that in mind! His spare place is in (or near) Stockholm, but there's a lot of good stuff to see in Sweden all over it seems.

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I didn't notice this particular lag, but Substack was intermittently glitchy for me over the past few weeks.

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