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Quoting he article you link to, "Liberty without order is not a sustainable state of affairs." Really, that sums it up. The statist cannot imagine any order but control by government regulators. Self-organization is merely chaos.

As for the "fourth branch of government", a very compelling case that the permanent deep-state has always been illegal is made by Cornell law professor Phillip Hamburger in his book _Is Administrative Law Unlawful?_ "The Constitution’s barriers to any subdelegation of legislative or judicial power may sound merely technical, but they were expressions of an old and crucial principle against subdelegation, which underlay the efficacy of constitutions. The logic was that once the people had delegated different powers to the different branches of government, any subdelegation of such powers would allow the government to evade the structure of government chosen by the people. Alas, this has happened.”

The New Deal Administrative Practices Act amounted to a coup, replacing the Constitutional representative government with a different kind of system.

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