Sounds like great fun. Sadly, many of us will never listen to any podcast. Time too limited, hearing issues, or we are visual/reading learners (and for some, all three). As I have requested in numerous stacks (and most have, thankfully, responded positively) you would help those of us that read, and would substantially increase your useful engagement, if you posted a transcript any time you posted aural content. Autotranscribers are free/cheap, and while imperfect, are surely close enough to get the points across.

Many of us really try to get all the content we can., Podcasts just do not fit that model -- transcripts do. Many thanks.

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That's a good point! I don't listen to podcasts like I used to. Well I used to listen to Econtalk all the time, but once I didn't have a commute anymore, or a quiet time to make breakfast. I generally prefer reading as a method of taking in information.

I didn't think about an auto-transcriber, but I will look into it if I do any 'casts in the future. Hell, I should just ask Aly if she uses one... she seems pretty on top of this stuff.

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Hey, if you have any links to free ones, would you let me know Dr. K? I'd been checking them out for mine since I transcribe by hand if I record first, or write first and then read it. Both are more boring, either for me or my audience, but the ones I found were subscription based. I appreciate it! Even an imperfect one would get me closer.

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You brought several of my favorite authors together with a new face or two and made an informative and enjoyable discussion. I will do my best to share with others.

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Glad you enjoyed it!

I can't take any credit for putting it together though. Grant and Aly got the idea and invited the rest of us on. Our biggest contribution to organization was getting there early and on time :D

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I'm watching this now, lots of fun to have a face with the name--at least yours, Dr H.

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Let me know what you think!

... Of the talk. I can guess about my face :D

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Awesome - looking forward to listening!

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