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Dec 1, 2022
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Even Philly's Chinatown has largely relocated to north Cottman Ave. The more center city one is basically just some touristy traps now with 25$ parking.

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Dec 1, 2022Edited
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Is the movie you are referencing "Chinatown" or "Big Trouble in Little China"? It's been a long time since I have seen either...

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Dec 1, 2022Edited
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Even more fun, Who Framed Roger Rabbit is shockingly similar to Chinatown, almost down to the shot in many cases

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Yea, I think most of the cities could just be abandoned... it is sad though. Still, I'd bet that a lot of PA folk would be happy to give Philly to Jersey or Delaware :)

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Dec 1, 2022
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We need to talk more about the piles of tires thing. This feels really central.

What about, say, a pile of tires shaped like balls and a schlock? Or, I guess, knuckles and a middle finger, if you want to be suburban about it?

Assume a 5:1 height ratio of knuckle/ball to finger/dong.

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There has to be a physics modeling software that will handle drift patterns of variously shaped objects... we could do empirical work with maybe 10,000$ of goods that come in plain brown paper boxes, but I need to buy a car and a house in short order. That plan might ruin things on a few margins.

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If we do it with some sort of edible material, I can donate a field and we can have the livestock clean it up. When I call Mothermouth I can tell her me and some guy I met on the internet are watching pigs eat a dong.

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That would be better than 100% of the online dating experiences I have had... maybe we should start a service for that.

Come to think of it, most of my online to real friends have been due to man dollies*, so I suppose it isn't too different... I definitely wanted to tell some of the pigs I have interacted with as a result to eat a dick.

*war gaming miniatures.

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For the sake of the piggies' digestion, maybe we could hot glue two eggs and veg together? Although maybe hot glue isn't much better than gummy dongs, but I am not sure....

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Do you still play with man dollies? I have a HUGE collection of Space Marines to offer to a good home.

My penultimate partner was extremely excited to induct me into the hobby and bought me waaaaaaay more than was necessary and my interest didn't outlive the relationship. The painting was fun, though.

So, if you'd like about 100+ Ultramarines and about 50+ vintage Pretorians, plus some other rando stuff, let me know.

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I might hit you up sometime about that, but I haven't been serious about 40k since... 5th edition I think? I still have ~3000 pts of marines, 5000 points of Imperial Guard, maybe 6-7k of Sisters of Battle/Inquisition, and some 2500 custom built Lost and the Damned in boxes. Plus my total conversion WHFB chaos army... damnit GW.

From like 2012 to 2018 I was much more into Warmachine and Hordes, till Privateer Press decided to nuke their community and games in quick succession. Still have a few armies there sitting...

Sooner or later I figure the girls will be old enough to care about that stuff, at least painting, so sooner or later it will be worth it!

(Don't even get me started on my pile of shame. I used to run a small casting business, and just loved collecting bits and models "just in case." Kickstarter was a huge money sink for me :D )

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I lost interest in the franchise when they basically decided to obsolete everyone's Marines with their bullshit Primaris plot arc.

Brothermouth got me into the Abnett novels long before I played with the dolls so I had REALLY STRONG FEELINGS about the IP. :)

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You really need to get that knee healed up, and get some outside time on the farm ...🤣❤️

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Classic game theory equilibrium problem. Fully corrupted public services are in a stable attractor state where defect-defect is the only possible rational choice for any participant. Can't be fixed piecemeal. Only way to repair it is to clean house, then immediately replace it with a new organization with a degree of esprit de corps that rests to a large extent on: we're not that. Simple solution, but the political will is the hard part.

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I love that you did the math on stacking tires.

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