À propos of the missing dimension, am I wrong in cleaving to the Haidt theory of moral lenses & sanctity?

Also, something I notice is that elite sneering at others seems largely a one-way street. Which is why I obsess about education as the underlying dynamic in current political culture.

Are you & me also manifesting the thing where if you've got a hammer every problem is a nail? You being interested in numbers & me mostly about minds.

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Ah, so you're an economist. I was wondering.

I feel like this journey is to some extent a re-discovery of Sowell. His Conflict of Visions theory still feels to me like the simplest and most elegant theory, and I've found it to have high predictive power over time.


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Ideologies are like viruses (not bad necessarily) they pass from person and in doing so they replicate and mutate. They can replicate and mutate. Importantly they also fulfill economic and psychological needs for the people who adopt them.

If you're forced to find a common thread that connects the modern left hundreds of years back to J.J Rousseau it's a belief that the natural and just state of humanity is a state of equality. (Equality of what? Usually of material goods but sometimes of other things other than or in addition to) any belief, attitude or assumption that generates or perpetuates inequality is bad and should be abolished.

Historic targets include but are not limited to: Private property, The family, religion, nationhood, ethnic solidarity, individualism, & gender norms.

To *start* with markets and being against them is to think less like a leftist and more like a libertarian. Very few people are libertarians so your description, even if accurate, would be like giving someone accurate directions in Esperanto.

You get contradictions because nature is inherently inegalitarian and a thing that creates leveling across one dimension often increases inequality across another dimension.

Lastly, and not to be underestimated, strands of an ideology can become dominant if when they are properly cultivated and amplified through institutions and financing. Like the alpha and delta variants of covid, the strand of leftism that advocates autarky and command economies goes unpatronized, in favor of the strand that can reconcile forms of racial and sexual equality that are tolerant of free trade, corporations, free movement of peoples across borders. This strand can also embrace statistic levels of tolerance towards economic equality as long as its consistent with racial and sexual equality.

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