Hi! I don't know how to message you privately, but I'd be interested in this B&B!!

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You know, I don't either :D Here's the link to their site: https://www.thebirdsnestbnb.com/

Let me know if you book some time, and I will come up and say hi!

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Oh, I should add that checking with Reid and Liz about the status of shooting/throwing sports would be a good idea. We haven't built the permanent space yet, although there is lots of space available we use ourselves, backstopped by the hill etc. There also might be an insurance thing I don't know about. I don't want to over promise based on what family gets up to there on a regular basis :)

The local sportsman's club is right down the road in a pinch, too.

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Thanks! Looks like a pretty house. Our family finds ourselves in those environs every so often, so it's a definite possibility :-)

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Awesome! The carriage house is really good for families, being as big as many apartments. We stayed in it for a week when we moved back from MN to PA, and even with three kids it was more than big enough. And they love the jacuzzi tub... we didn't hear the end of "Can we get one?! Can we go back for our next bath?!" for weeks :D

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This has been a fun thing to read, while cementing my view that I must never attempt anything similar.

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Glad it's fun! I don't want to bore people too much with this sort of thing, especially since I can't really take pictures while it is happening very well, but I was hoping it was a bit of a pallet cleanser now and again.

You definitely ought to give it a shot though if you get the chance! Preferably with a teacher present; watching a bunch of YouTube videos can get you pretty far, but I know I'd probably learn a lot more in an hour of one on one teaching than I have in many hours of just watching :) Still, it is pretty satisfying to make stuff in general, especially things that are durable, I find.

Although if you are a surgeon, or otherwise really need your fingers in tip top shape, maybe give this one a miss.

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Broke: beating your swords into plowshares

Bespoke: beating your lawnmowers into seaxes

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I lolled :)

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