How dare you try and politicize this, er, non-tragedy.

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Right? At this point you can infer the intentioned narrative by looking at what doesn't get covered, starting with normal assumptions of what is news worthy.

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Raises an interesting question. Does the FBI, or anyone else, keep statistics on how many crimes are stopped by armed civilians? I bet those would be fascinating.

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You know, that's a good question. I am thinking they don't, as I recall someone a few years back trying to do a project on that sort of thing and using a web scraping program to try and find events from local news sources. I presume they were doing that because there are not official statistics, but then maybe they just didn't trust the official statistics. Lots of the statistics the government collects on itself are really spotty, and this sort of thing makes them look a bit bad.

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Precisely why I doubt they'd connect them. Last thing they want is public policy nerds looking at the data and then getting a Science publication titled "Abolish the Police - and Arm Fucking Everyone".

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Yes, it worries me how much people want to rely on the official numbers for, well, anything, considering that most officials don't want you to know numbers they don't like. A bit too much trust in authority.

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Right now, people on Twitter will be looking for dirt on this woman who is obviously a white supremacist

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Sadly I'd bet you are exactly right. I haven't seen any mention of her race, which makes me think she is also black, but she will be called a white supremacist because she is on the gun store's mailing list or something.

In any case, she's a damned hero, and I hope she gets the praise she deserves instead of being dragged through the mud by the media, or just buried.

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If it doesn't bleed, it doesn't lede.

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