To paraphrase something Freddie wrote last year, "You don't hate standardized tests, you hate what those tests reveal"

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If you can identify an incentive here you can be sure they have identified it too. More cynical things have happened.

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I have thought for some time that the best way to evaluate a teacher was to ask the next teacher how well prepared his or her students were.

Now I just have to figure out the logistics of such a system!

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One big difficulty there is that there are usually no clear ideas about what the curriculum should be year to year. Certainly such is lacking at the university level. If one did know what needed to be taught to prepare for the next year it would be much easier to simply do standardized testing to pass between grades.

A smaller difficulty is that a bad teacher will often complain that they can't teach because their students were unprepared. It can be difficult to tell whether they can't teach due to the sins of earlier teachers, or just because they can't teach and need to learn how.

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