I apologize for the lack of updates this month, and last really. Lots of life things going on: busy at work, traveling for the holidays, getting Omeganeochrome, getting laid off, all sorts. All that drained my creativity a bit.
Plus that series on Georgeism over at ACX nearly killed me.
I do have five or six posts in various stages of completeness, but I haven’t had the time or energy to really get them together. I am a pretty slow writer when I am not irritated by the topic, and since I am sick of writing about COVID1 it’s been a bit slow.
Forthcoming is a model of state cohesion, a podcast about opportunity costs, among other odd things. Stay tuned!
(Just one more, I swear! Ok, maybe two…)
Sorry to hear about the layoffs, but I'm sure you'll land on your feet and I'm looking looking forward to the great writing a bit of time will allow for!
Get on it!